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                    include 'dbconnect.php';
                     $squery = "select * from product where status='no' OR stock <= 0";
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                     while( $row = mysqli_fetch_array($result))
                      <tr id="<?php echo $row['id'] ?>">
                          <?php echo $row['category_name'];?>                        
                          <?php echo $row['prdct_code'];?>                        
                         <?php echo $row['product_name'];?>                        
                         <?php echo $row['manuf_name'];?>                        
                         <?php echo $row['stock'];?>                        
                        <td class="text-center">
                         <?php echo $row['price'];?>                        


                        <td class="text-center">


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<script type="text/javascript">
        var id = $(this).parents("tr").attr("id");

        if(confirm('Are you sure to remove this record ?'))
               url: 'delete_product.php',
               type: 'GET',
               data: {id: id},
               error: function() {
                  alert('Something is wrong');
               success: function(data) {
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  input = document.getElementById("search_input_all");
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    }else {
